Monday, March 31, 2008

How To Install VMware Server On OpenSUSE 10.3

How To Install VMware Server On OpenSUSE 10.3

Today, I will explain to you how to install VMWare Server on openSUSE 10.3. What this will do for you is be able to run Windows inside your Linux computer. If you have that Windows app that just doesn't run under Wine, then this is the setup for you.


Setting Up LVM On Top Of Software RAID Subsystem - RHEL & Fedora

Setting Up LVM On Top Of Software RAID Subsystem - RHEL & Fedora

Here is a quick look how to build an LVM on top of RAID 1 array, so that we combine the power of these two. This kind of setup is extremely useful in situations where we want a file server to store large amounts of data which provides a centralized backup, storage space for downloadable files via ftp/http, and that may grow enormously in the coming years after the initial setup.


How To Set Up Internet Access Control And Internet Filtering With SafeSquid Proxy Server

SafeSquid - Content Filtering Internet Proxy, has many content filtering features that can be used to decide who is allowed what, when and how much on the net. In this tutorial I will describe how to create user profiles, and give them access to specific websites only, while blocking access to all other websites.