Thursday, February 5, 2009

User Maintenance

# id # Show the active user id with login and group
# last # Show last logins on the system
# who # Show who is logged on the system
# groupadd admin # Add group "admin" and user colin (Linux/Solaris)
# useradd -c "Colin Barschel" -g admin -m colin
# usermod -a -G # Add existing user to group (Debian)
# groupmod -A # Add existing user to group (SuSE)
# userdel colin # Delete user colin (Linux/Solaris)
# adduser joe # FreeBSD add user joe (interactive)
# rmuser joe # FreeBSD delete user joe (interactive)
# pw groupadd admin # Use pw on FreeBSD
# pw groupmod admin -m newmember # Add a new member to a group
# pw useradd colin -c "Colin Barschel" -g admin -m -s /bin/tcsh
# pw userdel colin; pw groupdel admin
Encrypted passwords are stored in /etc/shadow for Linux and Solaris and /etc/master.passwd on FreeBSD. If the master.passwd is modified manually (say to delete a password), run
# pwd_mkdb -p master.passwd to rebuild the database.

To temporarily prevent logins system wide (for all users but root) use nologin. The message in nologin will be displayed (might not work with ssh pre-shared keys).

# echo "Sorry no login now" > /etc/nologin # (Linux)
# echo "Sorry no login now" > /var/run/nologin # (FreeBSD)

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